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Archives: News

Call to Support Turkey

Dear Friends and Colleagues, In 1999, Trauma Recovery/HAP responded to the large earthquake in Turkey by organizing the first EMDR trainings in that country. The therapists we trained in EMDR were immediately able to offer EMDR treatment to the earthquake survivors and have built a strong EMDR community in Turkey. Now the unthinkable has occurred...

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2022 EMDR Walk in the Park Recap

The inaugural EMDR Walk in the Park took place Sunday, August 14, 2022 with nearly 100 participants. Those individuals who joined the walk in-person gathered Sunday morning at East Rock Park in New Haven, CT to walk a scenic 2 mile course winding through the park and along the Mill River. Participants also had the opportunity to register as virtual...

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EMDR China Completes EMDR Basic Training

Trauma Recovery/HAP in collaboration with EMDR Asia and EMDRIA, are proud to support EMDR China in providing EMDR Basic trainings in Beijing, China. Although the pandemic delayed the delivery of the Part II training for nearly two years after the Part I, the training did successfully take place virtually in November 2021, marking the first virtual...

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MI-Tri County TRN Supports the Oxford High School Community

TRN Fosters Community Healing in the Wake of the Oxford School Shooting November 30, 2021 is a day that forever changed the community of Oxford Township, MI with a mass shooting at Oxford High School that claimed the lives of four people and injured many more. Right away, members of the MI-Tri County TRN knew they wanted to respond and address the...

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Founder’s Month – Celebrating Dr. Francine Shapiro

Dr. Francine Shapiro founded Trauma Recovery, EMDR Humanitarian Assistance Programs more than 25 years ago with the vision to bring hope and healing to those suffering the effects of emotional trauma through EMDR therapy. Her vision continues to guide the work of Trauma Recovery/HAP to this day. Each June during Founder’s Month, we take time to celebrate...

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Celebrating National Volunteer Week

Each year, Trauma Recovery, EMDR Humanitarian Assistance Programs (Trauma Recovery/HAP) joins the nationwide celebration of volunteers during National Volunteer Week, a time to recognize the valuable contributions volunteers make in their communities and with the organizations they serve. This year’s celebration takes place the week of April 17-23,...

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Trauma Healing for Students Fleeing Ukraine

We are proud to highlight the efforts of Trauma Recovery/HAP Board Member, Dr. Sushma Mehrotra and her colleagues at EMDR India to help Indian students returning from Ukraine access trauma treatment. As many international students studying in Ukraine were forced to flee the conflict, there is concern for their mental health now that they are home...

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Concern and Support for Ukraine

As an organization dedicated to healing the effects of psychological trauma, we are deeply saddened and concerned by the events unfolding in Ukraine. We understand all too well the severe psychological impacts of war and the lasting traumatization the Ukrainian people, the families, and children, are facing. Over the years, Trauma Recovery, EMDR...

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