Founder’s Month – Celebrating Dr. Francine Shapiro
Dr. Francine Shapiro founded Trauma Recovery, EMDR Humanitarian Assistance Programs more than 25 years ago with the vision to bring hope and healing to those suffering the effects of emotional trauma through EMDR therapy. Her vision continues to guide the work of Trauma Recovery/HAP to this day.
Each June during Founder’s Month, we take time to celebrate the legacy and work of Francine. We remember the many roles she embodied; developer, teacher, mentor, author, visionary, and philanthropist. She was, and still is, a source of motivation and inspiration for us all.
Our Commitment to Francine’s Vision
Francine’s passion to help those suffering from trauma due to man-made and natural disasters drives the many programs and initiatives carried out by Trauma Recovery/HAP.
Beginning with the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995 to our current, ongoing responses in Ukraine, in Uvalde, TX, and in Buffalo, NY, we continue to show up in communities impacted by trauma both domestically and internationally through our Trauma Recovery Network, offering pro-bono EMDR therapy.
Thanks to Francine’s generosity and commitment to maintaining the highest standards our EMDR Basic training program is so effective. Along with the EMDR Institute, we are the only domestic training program using Francine’s manual to train EMDR therapists in her EMDR therapy model; the only model recognized through SAMSHA, the World Health Organization, U.S. Department of Defense, and the American Psychiatric Association.
Through our Faculty Training program, Francine trained many of the most knowledgeable and dedicated EMDR trainers who continue to serve as volunteers, training the next generation of HAP Faculty.
Robbie Dunton, Trauma Recovery/HAP Board Member, Executive Director of the EMDR Institute, and dear friend of Francine’s shared the following reflection on Francine,
“I remember, and I really appreciated, her integrity and compassion for helping those people suffering from grief, emotional pain, low self-esteem, and trauma…I think everybody who knew her, knew she was articulate, she was a captivating presenter, she was able to inspire her audience with her heartfelt ambition to heal the world. I also appreciate her passion for teaching and her perseverance and her mission to inform people, as many as possible, about EMDR therapy…I wish she were here today to see what HAP has accomplished.”
Ways to Be Involved in Founder’s Month
During Founder’s Month, we invite you to participate and engage with our wonderful community of volunteers and supporters.
Here are a few ways:
• Become a Partner in Healing when you commit to giving a recurring donation this year. Your recurring gift can be monthly, quarterly, or bi-annually.
• Subscribe to our new podcast! What’s HAPpening, Behind the Scenes with Trauma Recovery HAP – Available June 15, 2022
• Make a gift to the Francine Shapiro Disaster Recovery Memorial Fund, named in Francine’s honor and established to ensure our work in disaster preparedness and recovery can continue in the U.S. and throughout the world.
• Register to walk in our inaugural EMDR Walk in the Park on Sunday, August 14, 2022. Options for joining in-person and virtually are available.
• Join our community on social media; Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn