EMDR China Completes EMDR Basic Training
Trauma Recovery/HAP in collaboration with EMDR Asia and EMDRIA, are proud to support EMDR China in providing EMDR Basic trainings in Beijing, China. Although the pandemic delayed the delivery of the Part II training for nearly two years after the Part I, the training did successfully take place virtually in November 2021, marking the first virtual training for EMDR China.
Thank you and congratulations to the trainers, Dr. Rosalie Thomas and Dr. Sushma Mehrotra
Below is a summary report prepared by Dr. Jinsong Zhang, President of EMDR China
Summary of EMDR Basic Training Part I and Part II , Beijing China
With the support of Trauma Recovery/HAP, EMDRIA and EMDR Asia, EMDR China organized the EMDR Basic Training in 2019, Beijing China. The trainers were Dr. Rosalie Thomas and Dr. Sushma Mehrotra. The co-organizer was Beijing Anding Hospital, one of the largest psychiatric hospitals in China. The Part 1 training was finished during 5-8 December 2019 and was the first time using the EMDR training manual version 2017 in China. Before the EMDR Part 1 training, there was a one day training of trauma and stabilization which was provided by Dr. Jinsong Zhang and Dr. Qiuyun Lv. There were thirty-four participants in attendance at the Part 1 training.
Due to the outbreak of COVID19, the Part 2 training was delayed until November 2021. The Part 2 was a Virtual Training over two weekends, 13-14 & 20-21 November 2021. That was the first time using the new manual 2021 version and also the first time conducting Virtual Training in China. Although the two part training was blocked by COVID for nearly two years, we finished it and got many new experiences for EMDR China. There were three Chinese trainers-in-training who finished their trainers’ training and became the new trainers of EMDR Asia January 2022. They were Dr. Jinsong Zhang, Xiangzhen Ma and Jianjun Li. There were eleven supervisors (including trainers and trainers-in-training) who assisted the group practice. All other supervisors were observers during the Part 2 training.
There were thirty-three participants who attended the Part 2 training and thirty-one finished the 10 hours of consultation. In the end, thirty-one participants received the certification, as they completed the Part I and Part II Workshop (50 hours) with Consultation (10 hours) meeting the EMDR Asia and EMDRIA requirement for Basic EMDR Training.
EMDR China appreciates the great support of EMDRIA, Trauma Recovery/HAP, EMDR Asia and the contribution of Dr. Rosalie Thomas and Dr. Sushma Mehrotra.
Dr. Jinsong Zhang, President of EMDR China
11 May, 2022