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Concern and Support for Ukraine

As an organization dedicated to healing the effects of psychological trauma, we are deeply saddened and concerned by the events unfolding in Ukraine. We understand all too well the severe psychological impacts of war and the lasting traumatization the Ukrainian people, the families, and children, are facing.

Over the years, Trauma Recovery, EMDR Humanitarian Assistance Programs has sponsored EMDR trainings in Ukraine, providing administrative and financial support and translated training materials. Most recently partnering with Regent University in Virginia. The focus of the Ukrainian clinicians’ work was with victims of war and torture after the 2014 attacks in Crimea. Each group of Ukrainian participants showed enthusiasm and gratitude for the opportunity to gain experience using new therapeutic skills and approaches in their country. Our hearts go out to all our past training participants, their families, and fellow citizens.

Although we recognize that current primary concerns are for physical safety and immediate needs, we are reaching out to our colleagues in Europe to offer our assistance, as well as sharing our concern with our local contacts in the EMDR community in Ukraine with whom we have worked.

While so much can be destroyed in so little time, we know that recovery takes years. We offer our support to both Trauma Aid Europe and EMDR Europe, when the time comes to provide humanitarian mental health assistance.

Dr. Francine Shapiro, our organization’s founder, and the founder of EMDR, had two lifelong goals – to see peace throughout the world and to bring EMDR therapy throughout the world. We remain committed to her vision.

As we better understand how we can be most effective in bringing trauma healing to Ukraine, we will continue to keep you informed.


Carol R. Martin
Executive Director
Trauma Recovery/HAP