Specialty Training Raises Funds to Benefit Ukraine
In late January, Trauma Recovery/HAP sponsored a specialty training with Dr. Roger Solomon titled, “Ukraine War: How EMDR is Helpful with Trauma and Grief.” The goal for this training was not only to educate EMDR therapists on trauma and grief in the context of war, but also to raise much needed funds for our colleagues in Ukraine.
Over 100 professionals signed up and attended the specialty training. Presenter, Dr. Roger Solomon shared this heartfelt note prior to the training, encouraging individuals to participate.
Many of us stepped up after September 11 to help victims, first responders, and those afar who were impacted. We were there for our veterans who put themselves in harm’s way for our safety. In Ukraine, EMDR therapists have really stepped up to meet the challenge of dealing with the trauma of war. However, there is one important difference between what we faced in our country while providing support and what our Ukrainian colleagues are facing. They have been directly impacted by the war and have their own personal trauma. Many have lost loved ones who were killed in battle or died during the many bombings. Many have lost all they own and were forced to flee their homes.
I am awed by the dedication of our Ukrainian EMDR colleagues in meeting the challenge of providing direct services to clients both in their community and the front line of battle. They have been eager to learn EMDR, and were not stopped by alarms (we continued in the bomb shelter) or power outages (EMDR therapy works very well in candlelight).
I hope you will join our workshop, with all proceeds going directly to organizations that provide training and direct services to those impacted by the war. Funds not only help directly by making training and services possible, it sends a very powerful message, “You are not alone”.
-Roger Solomon
Trauma Recovery/HAP is thrilled to be able to donate proceeds from the training to two Ukrainian organizations,
EMDR Ukraine
The Institute of Health Psychology
These organizations are providing direct mental health services to impacted individuals and also training mental health professionals in order to increase the capacity to provide trauma treatment.
HAP staff handled the administrative and logistical needs of the training, as well as the communication. We continue to be inspired by our training participants, who are always willing and ready to learn new and advanced skills in order to better serve those in need of trauma treatment.
Here are just a few notes participants sent us after the training,
“Thank you for putting the webinar together, even as a seasoned trauma therapist, it was so helpful.”
“I loved absolutely everything about this program. Thank you so much for bringing it to us!”
“I did find the workshop extremely helpful, especially as I hope to do EMDR with Ukrainian and other refugees, as well.”
We are currently preparing to offer this training again Summer 2023. Stay tuned for more details on the date and time zone. We hope to see you there!