The Basic EMDR Training Program is open to licensed practitioners and to those who are on a licensure track if they are completing master's level coursework and are being supervised by a licensed clinician in a clinical internship — first year students are not eligible. [[NAME]] has indicated that you are their clinical supervisor.
Trauma Recovery/HAP EMDR Basic Training is available to clinicians who work for a non-profit or public sector organization in a clinical mental health capacity. Clinicians working with underserved communities and those affected by the Covid-19 pandemic are eligible to complete their EMDR training through Trauma Recovery/HAP.
- The boundaries of clinical applications of EMDR for anything other than PTSD have not yet been confirmed by controlled research. The cautions presented in the training are based primarily on anecdotal reports by trained clinicians.
- It is not unusual for a target memory to be linked to other unexpected, potentially disturbing material or memories.
- A prerequisite for receiving a Record of Attendance is the completion of the three practica at the seminar, where clinicians will give and receive EMDR therapy under small group supervision. The practice experience is for educational purposes only and not for personal therapy.
- Case material presented didactically or on video may be disturbing to those with unresolved personal issues. Further with reference to numbers 3 and 4:
- Clinicians presently engaged in personal therapy must seek permission from their therapist before participating in the training; and
- Those who presently have a dissociative disorder should not participate without informing the EMDR trainer at the training, and preferably the Trauma Recovery EMDR HAP office before the training dates; and
- Those with limiting or special medical conditions (such as but not limited to pregnancy, seizures, heart condition, ocular difficulties, etc.) must consult their medical professionals prior to participating in this training.
- Since the processing of targeted incidents may continue after training, other dreams, memories, etc. may surface. In such cases, it is the responsibility of the participant to seek and obtain appropriate assistance. Providing such assistance is neither a part of nor an extension of the training. Clinicians who wish to continue with personal EMDR work can find a therapist on
- The experiential workshops Part 1 and Part 2 are for clinical research purposes only and will not qualify the participant to train others in EMDR.
- Audio and/or video recording of the training or any portion thereof is not permitted.
- A Record of Attendance (Part 1) will be issued only to those who attend the full Part 1 training and participate in the practica. A Record of Completion will be issued only to those who complete the Part 2 training, participate in all practica, and complete the ten hours of consultation.
By completing the information below with your professional contact information, you confirm that you have read the description of EMDR and the method of training employed by Trauma Recovery EMDR Humanitarian Assistance Programs, Inc. You affirm the decision of [[NAME]] to participate in the training described and to use the clinical knowledge acquired in the training, as appropriate, in the clinical work that you supervise, and you confirm that you supervise [[NAME]].